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PowerBall Results & Winning Numbers
Get the Latest US PowerBall Lottery Results
PowerBall, the most promising lottery game features multiple tiers of prizes to be won by the players. The highest prize to be ever won by a PowerBall winner is approximately Rs 11,480 crores. You can also win a staggering amount when you play this game. The draws are held every Wednesday and Saturday evening in the US, i.e., in the mornings of Thursdays and Sundays in India. You can easily check its results from the Lottoland website as well as the mobile app.
To check the PowerBall jackpot winning numbers, all you need to do is visit the Lottoland website and click on the PowerBall section. The results will be displayed in the Powerball Results section. The page also provides all the other information like the jackpot amount, the cash prizes for all the following 8 tiers, the number of winners for each tier and the PowerPlay winners. In the results section, the first five numbers are your main numbers, the next number, highlighted in red is your PowerBall and the last blue highlighted number signifies the PowerPlay (which is optional).
If you wish to up your chances of guessing the Jackpot winning numbers, we would suggest you do your homework by checking the updates of the latest PowerBall game because it’s good to have a strategy in addition to your luck.